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5 Labs Who Love Water

5 Labs Who Love Water

Posted by Brooke Spater on 3rd July 2018

Labrador Retrievers are among the most popular family dogs and it's no secret why. They make great companions, generally have a good disposition, and are always up for a great adventure. Did you know that they were originally bred to fetch game from the water? This explains why so many of them love to swim and many of their humans even report it can take work to lure them out of the water! Generally, they are solid swimmers and given the chance will take a dip wherever they can.

We found some water-loving labs on Instagram and asked their owners what they love about the water so much.

1. @mr_jack_the_lab

This is Jack! He is a two year-old English Labrador and he absolutely loves hiking and swimming! Every time we're out exploring he is always in search of water. Whether it being a small puddle to splash in, a creek, or his favorite - Lake Superior! If you're watering plants outside he is right there waiting to get sprayed with the hose - I guess you could say bath time for this guy is a breeze! 


Domino (black) and Fanta (yellow) love the water! Here they are relaxing on the sun shelf of a swimming pool after taking a dip in the water.

3. @farley_the_labrador

Farley loves spending her days hiking in the Rocky Mountains. It has been a great bonding experience while staying active and enjoying the great outdoors. After enjoying some beautiful scenery, Farley likes to go for a swim to cool off. There’s nothing better than a swim in one of nature’s pools!

Labs water farley

4. @mr.finster

Finley is beyond obsessed with any body of water. Whenever we are hiking, it feels like he can actually smell the creek or lake before we get there and he starts moving much quicker and crying. My favorite thing is to let him off leash when we get close enough and he runs full speed straight into the water, even if its freezing. He generally stays in the water until I am ready to head back. Saying Finny loves water is a complete understatement.

labs water finn

5. @superduperlab

Trixi the superduperlab really loves water very much – almost as much as she loves food.

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