Pet Parasites. They aren't an attractive topic, but it's important information for every pet owner to have. Check out the infographic below and make sure your pet is happy, healthy and parasite free.
We asked veterinarian Dr. Susan O'Dell, "What are your thoughts on grain-free/raw food diets?" Read her response below!This question actually needs two answers, as grain-free and raw are not synonymous. To start, let me first outline my general philosophy on pet foods. 1) A diet must be complete and balanced. 2) Keep [...]
The 4th of July is one of the best cookout days of the year, and not just for humans. I don't have firm stats on this, but I'm pretty sure more hotdogs and hamburgers are dropped by kids (or inebriated adults) and stolen by dogs than any other day of the year, so of course [...]